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Med School Class Requirements

Hey everyone! I've been thinking about going into medicine lately, and I'm wondering what classes I should take in high school to prepare for med school. Can anyone give me some advice on which courses are the most important? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hi! It's great that you're already thinking about your future in medicine. While medical school is still a ways off, taking the right classes in high school can help you be well-prepared when you eventually reach that point. Here are some important courses you should consider taking in high school:

1. Science courses: Strong foundational science courses are crucial for any future medical professional. Make sure you take biology, chemistry, and physics. If your school offers Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, consider taking AP Biology, AP Chemistry, or the IB equivalents - med school coursework is notoriously difficult, so the sooner you can get comfortable handling challenging material, the better.

2. Math courses: A strong background in math will be beneficial, as many medical school prerequisites involve mathematical concepts. Aim to take at least Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. If possible, continue on to Precalculus, Calculus, or Statistics courses, and like with the science courses, ideally you'll take the AP or IB versions of these subjects.

3. English courses: Reading comprehension and communication skills are crucial in the medical field. Take advanced English courses, such as Honors or AP English Literature or Composition.

4. Foreign language: Learning a foreign language can be helpful in both admissions and your future career as a physician. Spanish is especially useful in many areas of the United States due to the growing number of Spanish-speaking patients.

5. Social sciences: Psychology and sociology can provide great insights into human behavior, which can be valuable when interacting with patients. If available, consider taking AP or IB courses in these subjects.

6. Volunteering or internships: While not a specific class, look for opportunities to volunteer or intern at hospitals, clinics, or other medical facilities, so that you can gain hands-on experience and exposure to the field, and better demonstrate your interest in medicine when applying to undergraduate institutions. If you want suggestions for specific programs or internships to get involved in, CollegeVine has compiled a useful list for you:

Although your high school courses won't directly count towards medical school prerequisites, they will prepare you for the more advanced courses you'll take in college as a pre-med student, as well as impress undergraduate admissions officers and thus help you maximize your chances of getting into a school that's well-regarded for its pre-med offerings. By building a strong foundation now, you'll set yourself up for success as you continue on your path to medicine. Good luck!

10 months ago

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