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What are the Ivy League 8?

I keep hearing about the 'Ivy League 8' but I'm not sure which schools are actually part of this elite group. Could someone please list them for me and maybe share a bit of information on what makes them stand out? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

The Ivy League 8 is a group of prestigious universities that are members of the Ivy League athletic conference. These institutions are known for their academic excellence, selective admissions, and rich history. Here is the list of Ivy League schools and some notable aspects about each:

1. Brown University: Located in Providence, Rhode Island, Brown is recognized for its open curriculum, which encourages students to explore various subjects and make interdisciplinary connections, and gives them more control over their education.

2. Columbia University: Situated in New York City, with all the associated cultural and professional benefits of such a location, Columbia has a core curriculum that ensures all students receive a well-rounded liberal arts education.

3. Cornell University: Based in Ithaca, New York, Cornell is the largest Ivy League school and consists of many specialized colleges, such as the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the School of Hotel Administration, and the College of Engineering.

4. Dartmouth College: Located in Hanover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth is a smaller institution with an emphasis on undergraduate education and a strong sense of community. It's renowned for its unique D-Plan, a flexible academic calendar that gives students more control over their studies and encourages participation in study abroad programs.

5. Harvard University: Situated in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard is known for its rich history and strong academic reputation around the world. It offers exceptional resources and research opportunities in various fields, including law, business, and medicine.

6. University of Pennsylvania: Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, UPenn is famous for its Wharton School of business, stellar pre-professional programs, and a commitment to interdisciplinary learning.

7. Princeton University: Based in Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton offers a top-tier liberal arts education, and is known for its strong undergraduate focus and programs in areas such as public policy, engineering, and international affairs.

8. Yale University: Situated in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale boasts robust programs across many disciplines, from drama and music to science and engineering. It's also known for its unique residential college system that builds close-knit communities within the larger university.

Each of these institutions has its own unique culture, strengths, and academic focus. Students interested in applying to Ivy League schools should thoroughly research each one, visit, if possible, and connect with current students and professors to determine which might be the best fit for their goals and preferences - while they're all excellent institutions, they do have their differences.

As a starting point for your deeper research into these schools, check out these blog posts from CollegeVine, which provide more detailed information about what sets one apart from another:



Best of luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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