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Utilizing the Additional Information section on the Common App?

I notice there's an 'Additional Information' section on the Common App, and I'm curious about how to best use this space. Are there any circumstances in which providing extra info might be beneficial for my application?

10 months ago

Absolutely, the Additional Information section on the Common App can be helpful for providing context or clarification that might not fit elsewhere in your application. It's important to use this section effectively, though, and avoid treating it as a space for irrelevant or redundant information. Here are some situations in which this section might be beneficial:

1. Explaining a gap in your transcript: If you took some time off from school or experienced inconsistent grades due to personal circumstances (such as illness, family emergencies, or moving to a new school), you can use this section to briefly explain the situation and how it affected your academics.

2. Clarifying your involvement in an extracurricular activity: If you have an unusual or complex extracurricular activity that might not be well understood by admissions officers, you can provide additional context to help them better understand the significance and your role in it.

3. Discussing a unique family situation: If you have a unique family situation that has significantly impacted your life or education (e.g., being a first-generation college student, living with a single parent, or taking care of a sibling with special needs), you can briefly explain the situation and its effects on your personal growth.

4. Overcoming challenges: If you have faced significant challenges in your life, such as personal difficulties, economic hardships, or obstacles related to your identity, you can use this section to explain the situation and demonstrate your resilience.

5. Demonstrating growth in a specific area: If you have made significant progress in a certain area (say, academic or artistic) that might not be evident through your course grades or test scores, you can add information to clarify your growth and dedication to that field.

6. Highlighting a relevant, unrewarded achievement: If you have an impressive accomplishment that does not fit in the Honors or Awards section (perhaps because it was not officially recognized), you can mention it here to help round out your application.

Remember, though, to keep your explanation concise and focused—ideally, no more than a few paragraphs. The goal of the Additional Information section is to provide supplementary context that enhances your application, not overwhelm the admissions officers with unnecessary details or information that can already be found elsewhere in your application. For more advice on how to use the "Additional Information" section effectively, you can check out this blog post from CollegeVine:

Best of luck with your college applications!

10 months ago

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