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How difficult is it to get into Cornell University?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and Cornell has been my dream school since forever. I'm aware it's an Ivy League institution, which means it's pretty competitive. I'd appreciate any insights on how hard it is to get in, and any tips from current students or alumni would be great.

10 months ago

Hello! You're right, Cornell University is a competitive Ivy League institution, which means getting in can be difficult. Its acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 was around 7%. However, don't let this percentage intimidate you! There are plenty of ways to build a strong application and demonstrate how you would be a great fit at Cornell.

Start by ensuring that your academic profile is strong. Take challenging courses (such as APs or IBs) and maintain a high GPA. Among the competitive admits, the majority have pursued an accelerated curriculum with exceptional grades. Additionally, although Cornell is now test-optional, strong SAT or ACT scores can still benefit your application if you choose to submit them.

Extracurricular involvement is also essential. Focus on 8-10 activities that showcase your passions and leadership skills. Aim to have a mix of Tier 1 to Tier 3 extracurriculars, as described in the CollegeVine guidelines. Cornell values students who have a "spike," or a highly-developed specialty, as this shows that you've excelled in a certain field and can bring unique skills and expertise to the campus community.

Moreover, make sure your application essays stand out. Take the time to research the specific schools and programs within Cornell that interest you, and tailor your essays to reflect that knowledge and passion. A deep understanding of what Cornell offers and presenting a genuine picture of how you'll contribute to their campus will make a strong impression on the admissions officers.

Lastly, consider applying Early Decision (ED) if Cornell is undoubtedly your top choice. Applying ED can improve your chances, but keep in mind that it's a binding agreement, and you should only apply ED if you're sure it's the right fit for you, and have evaluated your financial situation.

Overall, gaining acceptance to any Ivy League institution, including Cornell, is challenging, but it's not impossible. Focus on creating a well-rounded application, showcasing your strengths, and demonstrating your passion for the school. Good luck!

10 months ago

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