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College Counseling: When to Start?

Hi all, I'm currently a junior and wondering when I should start using my school's college counseling services. What's the best time to start using them, and how can they help guide me through the application process?

10 months ago

Hi there! It's a good idea to start utilizing your school's college counseling services as early as possible, especially during your junior year. By starting now, you'll have ample time to receive guidance on course selections, extracurricular activities, and planning for standardized tests. This support can also give you a strong foundation for the college application process. Here are some ways that college counseling services can help you:

1. Guidance on picking the right courses: Counselors can help you determine which courses to take based on your interests and academic goals. They can also advise on the level of rigor in your coursework that colleges expect to see on your transcript.

2. Extracurricular activity advice: College counselors are knowledgeable about extracurricular opportunities, both in and outside of your school. They can help you evaluate your current activities and suggest ways to enhance your involvement, demonstrate leadership, or explore new interests.

3. Standardized test preparation: Counselors can offer guidance on scheduling standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or subject tests and help you find resources for test preparation.

4. College list creation: They can help you with forming a balanced list of colleges that align with your preferences and academic profile. This includes identifying reach, match, and safety schools that suit your needs.

5. Application timeline and strategy: College counselors will support you in creating a personalized timeline, including application deadlines, financial aid considerations, and steps for a successful application process.

6. Essay guidance: They can provide advice on crafting strong college essays, including brainstorming topics, editing drafts, and ensuring you address the essay prompts effectively.

7. Recommendation letters: Counselors can help you determine whom to ask for letters of recommendation and advise on the best way to approach those individuals.

8. Financial aid: They can guide you through the financial aid process, including filling out the FAFSA and CSS Profile, as well as finding and applying for scholarships.

9. Final decision and waitlist support: When acceptance letters arrive, counselors can offer guidance on making a well-informed decision and help with strategies if you are waitlisted.

In conclusion, it's beneficial to start working with your school's college counseling services as a junior. They can help you navigate the college application process, support you in making important decisions, and ensure you have a strong academic and extracurricular foundation. Best of luck!

10 months ago

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