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Best Undergrad Majors for Med School: What Should I Pick?

Hey, y'all! I'm planning on going to med school and I'm wondering which undergraduate majors are best to increase my chances. Should I stick with traditional majors like biology or chemistry, or would something more unique like neuroscience or public health be a better choice? Really appreciate any input!

10 months ago

It's important to remember that there isn't a specific best major for getting into med school, as medical schools admit students from a wide range of backgrounds. The key is to choose a major that you genuinely enjoy and can excel in, as having a strong GPA is critical for medical school admissions.

While many pre-med students choose traditional majors like biology and chemistry, it's certainly not a requirement. Neuroscience, public health, or even non-science majors like psychology or humanities can be great choices, too. Medical schools value diverse perspectives, and students from non-traditional majors can bring unique insights to the table.

When selecting your major, also consider how well it will help you fulfill the common prerequisite courses for medical schools (e.g., biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and sometimes biochemistry or calculus). Some majors, like biology and chemistry, naturally cover many of these courses, while others may require you to strategically plan your course schedule to include them.

Lastly, if you're looking into unique majors, do some research on the faculty and resources available at your school for that specific department. Strong support from faculty and availability of research opportunities might enhance your learning experience and bolster your application to medical school.

10 months ago

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