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Thoughts on Rochester REMS?

I came across the University of Rochester's REMS program, and it looks intriguing. I'm curious about how competitive it is to get in. Does anyone know the acceptance rate or have any tips for applying?

10 months ago

The Rochester Early Medical Scholars (REMS) program at the University of Rochester is a competitive combined BA/BS-MD program that offers a guaranteed path into the university's esteemed School of Medicine and Dentistry. REMS also allows you to pursue an undergraduate degree without the usual pre-med pressure, while enjoying research and clinical opportunities early on.

As for its competitiveness, the REMS program is highly selective, and while exact acceptance rates can vary each year, it's generally around 10% or even lower. To maximize your chances of being admitted to this program, there are a few tips you can keep in mind when applying:

1. Strong Academics: Ensuring you have an impressive academic record with a high GPA, rigorous coursework, and competitive test scores (if submitted - University of Rochester is test-optional) is crucial. Demonstrating a history of dedication to your studies and intellectual curiosity will help you stand out.

2. Well-rounded Extracurriculars: You should have a strong background in healthcare-related extracurricular activities to show your passion for pursuing a career in medicine. This can include volunteering in hospitals or clinics, conducting research in a medical field, or participating in relevant clubs or organizations.

3. Essays: The REMS application process will likely require you to submit an additional essay or personal statement. These essays should reveal your motivation to pursue a career in medicine, your understanding of the profession, and your specific interest in the REMS program at the University of Rochester. Make sure your essays are well-written, thought-provoking, and passionate to truly capture the attention of the admissions committee.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Choose recommenders who can speak to your abilities in the sciences, your dedication to a medical career, and your potential to succeed in a rigorous medical program. Ideally, have someone who has closely mentored or supervised you in a healthcare or research setting write one of the letters.

5. Interview: If you're selected for an interview, prepare by researching the REMS program thoroughly, reflecting on why you're interested in the program, and being ready to discuss your experiences and aspirations. By demonstrating your passion and motivation through a well-prepared and thoughtful interview, you can leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.

The REMS program is highly competitive, but focusing on these tips and putting your best foot forward in your application can improve your chances. Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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