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Working seasonal jobs?

Last Halloween, I worked at a haunted house, and it was a great experience. Are there other types of seasonal jobs I should consider trying? I'm open to working around holidays or even during summer vacation. Thanks for any ideas!

10 months ago

There are definitely other types of seasonal jobs you could consider trying out, and they can be valuable additions to your resume and skill set. Here are some popular options to explore:

1. Retail: Many stores have temporary positions for seasonal sales associates, particularly during the holiday season. This can provide great customer service experience and opportunities to learn about inventory management and merchandising.

2. Summer camps: Working as a summer camp counselor or instructor can be a rewarding job that allows you to develop leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills while interacting with kids or teenagers. Some camps even focus on specific activities, like sports or arts, which could align with your interests.

3. Event staffing: Festivals, concerts, or sporting events often require temporary staff for ticketing, concessions, or event set-up and take-down. This type of job can introduce you to various aspects of event planning and management while letting you enjoy the atmosphere surrounding these events.

4. Resorts and hotels: Summer and winter resorts often hire seasonal staff in various positions, such as hospitality, housekeeping, and guest services. Working in the travel and tourism industry can teach you valuable customer service skills and offer networking opportunities.

5. Amusement parks: Similar to resorts, amusement parks look for temporary staff during their peak seasons. Roles can include park attendant, ride operator, or food service staff. This is a fun environment where you can gain customer service and multitasking skills.

6. Outdoor landscaping/maintenance: Lawn care, gardening, or pool maintenance services tend to ramp up during the summer months. This type of work provides physical activity while learning about landscaping techniques and related tools.

7. Internships: Although not strictly seasonal, consider searching for internships in your field of interest. This can be a great way to gain hands-on experience and potentially be a stepping stone towards a career in that field. Companies may offer full-time summer internships, allowing you to focus on professional development.

Overall, trying out different seasonal jobs not only allows you to develop a diverse skill set but also helps you explore your interests, which can be beneficial when considering future career paths. Good luck!

10 months ago

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