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Writing a University Entrance Essay?

Hello! I need to start writing university entrance essays and I'm feeling a bit stressed about it. Can anyone provide some guidelines on what to write, how to structure the essay, and maybe share some successful examples? Any help would be appreciated!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's natural to feel stressed about writing university entrance essays, but don't worry, I'm here to help! Let me break down some general guidelines, structure tips, and provide an example to get you started.

1. Choose a compelling topic: Select a topic that showcases your character, personality, and an aspect of your life that is unique to you. Avoid cliches like sports injuries, the challenges of moving, or being an immigrant. Instead, focus on unique personal experiences or quirks that make you who you are.

2. Be authentic and genuine: Be true to yourself and write in your own voice. Don't try to sound too formal or intellectual if that's not how you really talk. Your essay should be a reflection of your personality.

3. Show, don't tell: Instead of just stating your qualities or experiences, use anecdotes and vivid descriptions to demonstrate them. This makes your story more engaging and memorable.

4. Keep it concise: Stick to the word limit provided by the university and avoid unnecessary details. Compose a focused, well-organized essay.


- Introduction: Start with an attention-grabbing first sentence (called a "hook"), and introduce the main idea of your essay.

- Body paragraphs: Develop your story with 2-3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your topic, using descriptive language and anecdotes to illustrate your point. Make sure to transition smoothly between paragraphs.

- Conclusion: Summarize your main ideas and illustrate how they have shaped you as a person or prepared you for college. Leave the reader with a memorable final thought.



Hook: When I was eight years old, I piloted a homemade radio-controlled submarine for the first time in my backyard pool.


Paragraph 1: Describe the process of building the submarine with your dad, emphasizing your curiosity, creativity, and determination to learn. Explain how this project sparked your interest in engineering.

Paragraph 2: Discuss how you continued to explore engineering and technology through internships, clubs, and personal projects, providing specific examples.

Paragraph 3: Explain how challenges you've faced, such as your family's financial constraints, have shaped your passion and motivation to pursue higher education and make a meaningful impact on the world.


Recap the significance of your journey and how your experiences have prepared you for the challenges of a rigorous university engineering program.

Remember, writing a successful entrance essay takes time and multiple revisions. Don't be discouraged if your first draft isn't perfect. Give yourself enough time to brainstorm, write, and revise your essay. Good luck!

10 months ago

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