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Including sports in Common App Activities section?

I'm working on the activities section of my Common App, and I'm wondering how to best represent my participation in sports. Should I list each sport separately or group them together? Also, any tips on how to explain my commitments and accomplishments in the limited space provided?

10 months ago

It's a good idea to list each sport separately in the Common App activities section, as that approach allows you to highlight your involvement and achievements for each one individually. Grouping them together may minimize the significance of your participation ,and could make it harder for admissions officers to discern the specifics of your athletic accomplishments.

When explaining your commitments and accomplishments in the limited space provided, focus on being concise and specific. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements and responsibilities whenever possible. Here are some tips for how you should write a strong description for each of your sports:

1. Start with the most significant accomplishments: If you received any awards (e.g., MVP, All-State, etc.), make sure to mention them.

2. Specify leadership roles: If you had any leadership positions within the team, such as captain or co-captain, include that information. For instance, "Captain, Varsity Soccer Team - led team to state championships and organized off-season training."

3. Highlight your commitment: In the "nuts and bolts" section of the activities list, make sure to accurately list how many years you've been playing your sport, as well as how many weeks per year and hours per week you're involved. This information is crucial, as it allows admissions officers to understand the depth of your dedication.

4. Quantify when possible: If you have any stats or records that showcase your athletic performance, include those in your description. For example, "Varsity track and field - ranked top 10 in the state for the 100m dash, set school record junior year."

5. Show involvement outside the sport: If you participated in related activities (e.g., coaching, volunteering, camps, or clinics), briefly mention them to demonstrate your broader engagement. For instance, "Assistant coach for local youth soccer team, organized annual summer camp for underprivileged kids."

Remember, the goal is to convey the most relevant and impressive information in a brief and clear manner. Focus on what sets your participation apart and showcases your strengths as an athlete and a member of the school community. If you want more detailed advice on how to tackle the Common App activities list in general, for both sports and other involvements, you can find some examples of good descriptions, as well as analysis of what they did well, on CollegeVine's blog:

Best of luck with your college applications!

10 months ago

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