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Upcoming Senior Year Expectations

Hey everyone, I'm gonna be a senior next year, and I'm super nervous about the whole college application process. Can any current seniors or recent grads share some advice or experiences on what to expect during this time?

10 months ago

Hey! Congrats on reaching your senior year! It's understandable to be nervous about the college application process, but you'll manage it well with some organization and planning. Here's a general timeline and some advice to help you through this time:

Summer before senior year:

1. Research colleges and create an initial list of schools you want to apply to, considering factors like size, location, majors offered, and overall fit.

2. Begin working on your personal statement and supplemental essays.

3. Prepare for any remaining standardized tests if necessary (e.g., SAT or ACT), keeping in mind the deadlines.

Early senior year:

1. Narrow down your college list and visit campuses if possible.

2. Develop your Common App or Coalition App profile. Add your schools to the platform and double-check application requirements.

3. Discuss financial aid possibilities with your parents and fill out the FAFSA when it becomes available (around October 1st).

4. Request letters of recommendation from your teachers and counselor well in advance – give them at least 4-6 weeks to write your letter.

5. Keep your grades up and maintain involvement in extracurricular activities.

6. Consider applying to some schools using Early Decision or Early Action to potentially increase your chances of admission (if you have a top choice).

Late fall/early winter:

1. Submit your applications by their respective deadlines. Make sure to proofread and have someone you trust review your essays before submitting.

2. Continue applying for scholarships and financial aid.

3. Keep an eye on your email and portal for updates about application status and any additional materials requested by schools.


1. Await your admission decisions, which usually arrive between March and April.

2. Visit any accepted campuses if you haven't done so already.

3. Compare financial aid offers and discuss them with your family. Make sure to understand the differences between loans, grants, and work-study options.

4. Make your final enrollment decision and submit your deposit (usually by May 1st) to secure your spot at your chosen college.

Throughout the process, stay organized by making a list of tasks and deadlines and breaking them into achievable chunks. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your counselor, teachers, and family members, and remember to give yourself breaks when needed.

Lastly, keep in mind that college is just one part of your life journey, and while it's essential, try not to stress too much about the process. Focus on enjoying your senior year and celebrating your accomplishments! Good luck!

10 months ago

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