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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is a graduate degree?

I've been hearing a lot about graduate degrees lately but I'm not exactly sure what they entail. Can someone explain the concept of a graduate degree and how it differs from an undergraduate degree?

3 months ago

A graduate degree is an advanced level of education that you can pursue after completing your undergraduate degree (also known as a bachelor's degree). Graduate degrees build upon the knowledge and skills acquired during your undergraduate studies and allow you to specialize in a particular field of study. There are two main types of graduate degrees: master's degrees and doctoral degrees.

A master's degree typically takes 1-2 years to complete and offers more in-depth study in a specific area, such as a Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), or Master of Fine Arts (MFA). These degrees are designed to help you gain advanced skills or expand your knowledge in your chosen field, which can lead to career advancement or increased earning potential.

A doctoral degree, such as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), or Doctor of Medicine (MD), takes longer to complete, usually around 5-7 years. It is the highest level of academic degree and is focused on original research, advanced study, and academic expertise in a specific area. To earn a doctoral degree, you'll be required to complete extensive research, write a dissertation or thesis, and often defend your findings in front of a faculty committee.

The key difference between an undergraduate and graduate degree lies in the depth and complexity of the coursework, with graduate degrees delving deeper into the subject matter and often involving more research and critical thinking. Additionally, graduate degrees provide specialized knowledge and skills, which can be beneficial for career advancement or a transition to a different field.

3 months ago

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