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Dartmouth College Interview: What to Expect?

Hey guys, I recently got an email for a Dartmouth College interview. What should I expect during the interview and how can I best prepare for it? I'm really excited but a little nervous. Thanks!

10 months ago

Congratulations on getting an interview for Dartmouth College! It's completely normal to feel both excited and nervous. In general, alumni interviews for Dartmouth are informal and conversational, and serve as a way for the college to learn more about you and for you to learn more about the college. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

1. Research Dartmouth: Familiarize yourself with the academic programs, extracurriculars, and overall campus culture. Being familiar with the school will not only help you answer questions about why you're interested in the school but also allow you to ask informed questions of your own, that show you've done your homework on the college.

2. Review your application: Make sure you're well-versed in the content of your application. While your interviewer will be an alum, and likely won't have seen anything in your actual application, they will write a report for the admissions committee to review. So, if there's anything that's especially salient to your overall profile, you'll likely want to discuss it in your interview, to underscore its importance.

3. Prepare answers for common questions: While every interview is different, there are some common questions that may come up, such as:

- Why Dartmouth?

- Can you tell me about yourself?

- What do you hope to study and why?

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

- What would you bring to the Dartmouth community?

You can find a more extensive list of common interview questions, as well as examples of how to respond to them (although not catered to Dartmouth specifically) on CollegeVine's blog:

4. Practice: Ask a parent, teacher, or friend to help you with a mock interview. While you don't want to sound robotic, rehearsing your answers a few times will help you become more comfortable speaking about yourself and articulating your thoughts.

5. Develop questions to ask your interviewer: Remember, this is also an opportunity for you to learn more about Dartmouth from someone who experienced it first-hand. Showing curiosity and asking thoughtful questions will demonstrate your interest in the college. You might inquire about your interviewer's own experiences, favorite aspects of the college, or any advice they have for prospective students. You can find more suggestions for meaningful questions to ask your interviewer on CollegeVine's blog:

6. Dress appropriately and professionally: Opt for business casual attire and ensure that your appearance is well-groomed and polished. Your clothing helps communicate respect for the interview process and sets a positive tone. You can read more about appropriate college interview attire on CollegeVine's blog:

7. Stay relaxed and be yourself: While it's important to be professional, remember that your interviewer is genuinely interested in getting to know you. Be open, genuine, and conversational. Make a connection with your interviewer, and give them a sense of your personality and what you'd contribute to the Dartmouth community.

Finally, if you want to get an even clearer sense of what exactly you should expect, you can read about one Dartmouth alum's experience with her own interview when she applied: While every interview is different, hopefully her story helps calm your nerves, by giving you a more concrete idea of what the big day might look like.

Best of luck with your interview! Remember to be yourself, stay engaged in the conversation, and show your enthusiasm for Dartmouth.

10 months ago

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