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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does it mean to defer a college application?

Hey everyone! I've been hearing about deferring college applications but I'm not exactly sure what it means. Can someone explain the process and reasons why someone might choose to defer their college application?

11 months ago

Deferring a college application typically refers to two different scenarios:

1. Deferring an admission decision: In this case, a student who has been accepted to a college may request to postpone their enrollment for a certain period, usually one year. The reasons for deferring enrollment can vary, but common ones include taking a gap year to travel, work, engage in community service, or participate in a unique project or internship. To defer your enrollment, first, you need to contact the college's admissions office to inquire about their specific deferral policies, since the process and requirements can vary by school. Some colleges may be more accommodating than others, and you may need to provide a detailed plan or valid reason for the deferral. It's also essential to understand how deferring will impact your financial aid and scholarships, housing, and course registration, as these aspects might vary depending on the school's policies.

2. Deferring an application submission: In this scenario, a student who intended to apply during a specific application round (e.g., Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision) decides to apply in a later round or even the next year. Reasons for deferring an application submission might include needing more time to strengthen the application (improving test scores, grades, or extracurriculars), dealing with personal circumstances (health issues, family emergencies), or rethinking their college list and priorities. In this case, the process is simply a matter of not submitting your application during the initial intended round and adjusting your preparation timeline accordingly. Keep in mind, however, that if you decide to apply during a later application cycle, you'll need to be aware of relevant deadlines and ensure that all your application materials (letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) remain up-to-date.

In both scenarios, it's important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of deferring, as every individual's situation is unique. Careful planning and communication with the colleges you're interested in is key to successfully navigating the deferral process.

11 months ago

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