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Which Colleges are Test-Optional?

With many colleges having gone test-optional due to COVID, I'm a bit confused as to which schools are still requiring test scores and which aren't. Is there a list or resource with up-to-date information on the test-optional policies for different colleges? Any help would be much appreciated!

10 months ago

You're right that many colleges moved to test-optional admissions policies in response to the COVID pandemic, and that many schools have chosen to keep those policies in place even in the wake of the pandemic, at least for the foreseeable future. These policies can change from year to year, so it's important to have the most current information when you start applying.

One reliable source for up-to-date information on test-optional policies is the official website of each college you're interested in applying to. They generally have a dedicated admissions page that outlines their specific policies with regard to standardized tests. Just keep in mind that these policies can vary not only between institutions, but also between programs within institutions - don't hesitate to reach out to an admissions officer for clarification if you have any questions, as they're there to help!

Another useful resource is FairTest, an organization that maintains a list of test-optional colleges and universities in the United States. This list is regularly updated and includes different categories of schools based on their test policies, such as test-optional, test-flexible, or test-blind. You can visit their website ( and search for colleges by name, state, or category. Remember, though, that it's always a good idea to double-check the information on the college's official website as well.

Alternatively, you can consider checking out CollegeVine's list of schools that have gone back to requiring standardized tests: Since the majority of colleges are still test-optional, if a school doesn't appear on this list, odds are it is test-optional, although you should still double-check on their official website.

As you research test-optional schools, keep in mind that many of even the top-tier institutions in the United States have implemented test-optional policies; however, given how competitive these schools' admissions processes are, submitting a test score would likely still be wise, as you want to demonstrate your strengths in as many ways as possible. If you want to learn more about how to navigate test-optional policies, I'd suggest checking out this blog post from CollegeVine:

In summary, for the most accurate and up-to-date information on test-optional policies, check the official websites of the colleges you're interested in and consult resources like FairTest or CollegeVine's blog for any supplementary information. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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