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Best colleges for special needs students?

Hi everyone! I have a sibling with special needs and my parents are concerned about finding a college that can provide support and accommodations. Can anyone recommend colleges known for being accommodating and providing resources for special needs students? Thanks!

11 months ago

Hello! It's important to find a college that can provide the necessary support and accommodations for your sibling. Thankfully, many colleges offer services and resources for students with special needs. Here are a few colleges that are often especially recognized for their disability services and commitment to accessibility:

1. University of Arizona: The University of Arizona's Disability Resources Center is renowned for its comprehensive services, which include academic accommodations, assistive technology, and specialized housing options.

2. Texas A&M University: Texas A&M's Disability Services provides academic accommodations, access to adaptive equipment, and support services such as sign language interpreters and note-taking assistance.

3. University of Connecticut: UConn's Center for Students with Disabilities offers academic accommodations, course substitutions, specialized equipment, and housing options tailored to students with disabilities.

4. Landmark College: This college specializes in serving students with learning disabilities and attention disorders, by providing them with unique curricular and extracurricular programs designed to address their needs.

5. Beacon College: Beacon College exclusively serves students with learning disabilities and attention disorders and offers a range of services and resources, including a 3-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio, individualized education plans, and daily access to support from faculty and staff.

These colleges are just a few examples, and there are many other schools with excellent disability services. Make sure to research the specific procedures and offerings of each college's disability resource center to determine if they can meet your sibling's specific needs and preferences. Don't hesitate to reach out to the offices directly with any questions or concerns. Good luck!

11 months ago

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