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Converting 1580 SAT score to ACT

Hi all! I recently received a 1580 on my SAT and I'm really happy with it! 😄 However, I'm thinking about taking the ACT as well just to cover all my bases. Can anyone help me figure out how this SAT score might convert to an ACT score? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hi! Congratulations on that fantastic SAT score! 🎉 In general, taking the ACT in addition to the SAT is not necessary unless you feel that you might perform better on the ACT or prefer its format. Since you already have a high SAT score, it's unlikely that taking the ACT will provide much additional benefit to your application. However, if you still want to have a rough idea of how your SAT score might convert to an ACT score, you can use the official concordance tables released by the College Board and ACT.

According to the concordance tables, a 1580 SAT score corresponds to an ACT score of approximately 35-36, which is excellent as well. Keep in mind that conversions are only an approximation and your actual performance on the ACT might differ.

That being said, instead of investing time and resources in retaking standardized tests, you might want to focus on other aspects of your application, like strengthening your extracurricular activities, writing compelling essays, or obtaining strong recommendation letters. It is especially important to consider this suggestion as many colleges are placing less emphasis on standardized test scores in recent years.

Good luck with your college applications!

11 months ago

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