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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Benefits of Early Application to Colleges

Hi all! I wanted to ask what the benefits of applying early to colleges are (either Early Action or Early Decision)? Will it increase my chances of getting accepted? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

Hello! Applying early to colleges can certainly have its benefits, including increasing your chances of being accepted. Here's a breakdown of the advantages of Early Action (EA) and Early Decision (ED):

1. Higher acceptance rates: In general, colleges tend to have higher acceptance rates for both EA and ED compared to Regular Decision (RD) applicants. Applying ED, in particular, has been shown to result in a significant boost to your chances, with an average of a 1.6x or 60% increase at highly selective schools. This is due to the fact that ED applicants are committing to attending the school if accepted, which is beneficial for the college's yield. Keep in mind that the benefit will vary depending on the school and the selectivity level. This effect is less pronounced for EA, but there are still benefits to this application type.

2. Demonstrated interest: Applying early, especially through ED, shows colleges that you have a strong interest in attending their institution. This can be a beneficial factor in the admissions process, as colleges may be more likely to accept students who they think are genuinely interested and likely to attend.

3. Early notification: EA and ED applicants generally receive their admissions decisions much earlier than RD applicants, which can alleviate stress and provide more time for planning and preparation. If you're accepted through EA or ED, you can save time and resources by not having to apply to additional schools.

4. Improved chances for financial aid and scholarships: For some schools, applying early may provide better opportunities for merit-based scholarships and financial aid since funds may be more readily available earlier in the admissions cycle. Be sure to research the financial aid policies of the schools you're applying to and use their net price calculators to estimate your aid eligibility.

Be aware, however, that applying ED is a binding agreement, meaning that if you are accepted, you commit to attending the college and withdrawing all other applications. Make sure to consider if you're ready to commit to your top-choice school before deciding to apply ED. EA, on the other hand, is non-binding, so you can still apply to other colleges and have the flexibility to choose the best school for you once you receive all your acceptances and financial aid offers.

In summary, applying early to colleges can have several benefits, such as higher acceptance rates, early notification, and potentially better financial aid opportunities. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each application type (EA or ED) and how they align with your goals and financial needs. Good luck!

10 months ago

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