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Colleges dropping ACT/SAT requirements?

I've been hearing that some colleges are dropping their ACT/SAT requirements for upcoming application cycles. Does anyone know of a list or resource where I can find colleges that have decided to do this? I'm curious if this will be a trend or just a temporary thing due to the pandemic.

11 months ago

You're correct that some colleges have decided to go test-optional or test-blind in recent application cycles, with many institutions adopting these policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it's worth noting that some schools were already test-optional before the pandemic, and several have decided to extend their test-optional policies due to continued testing challenges for students or to evaluate the effects of these policies on their admission process.

A comprehensive resource to find a list of test-optional and test-blind colleges is They keep their list updated with various colleges and universities, noting whether the school is test-optional (meaning they don't require but will consider test scores if submitted) or test-blind (meaning they won't consider test scores at all in the admissions process). You can also filter the list by different parameters, like location and application type.

As for the future of these policies, it's hard to predict with certainty what will happen. In some cases, colleges and universities have adopted test-optional or test-blind policies on a temporary basis, while others have decided to pursue these policies permanently or for an extended period. It's possible that more institutions may shift to test-optional or test-blind admissions if they find that it fosters a more diverse and equitable application process.

It's crucial to check each school's specific requirements on their websites, as some may have different policies for domestic and international students or different rules depending on the program you're applying to.

Ultimately, it's wise to regularly review college websites for the most up-to-date information on their testing policies and requirements, as these can change over time.

11 months ago

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