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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UC Letters of Recommendation: Who's the best to ask?

Hey everyone, so I'm applying to some UC schools and I was wondering who the best people to ask for letters of recommendation are? Like should I stick to teachers or can I reach out to my coach or club advisors?

10 months ago

It's great that you're looking into letters of recommendation for your UC applications! While the UC system generally does not require or accept letters of recommendation as part of their standard application process, some individual campuses or programs may request them under specific circumstances or for specific applicants.

If you receive a request for letters of recommendation, it's important to choose writers who know you well and can speak to your strengths, achievements, and character. Here are some tips:

1. Teachers: Focus on teachers who have taught you in core academic subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Science, or Foreign Language) and who can provide specific examples of your performance in the subject, your contributions to the class, and your growth. Ideally, ask teachers who have taught you in your junior or senior year, as they will have the most recent experience with you.

2. Coaches or club advisors: While the UCs prioritize recommendations from teachers who can speak to your academic capabilities, you may still consider asking a coach or club advisor if they have a strong relationship with you and can provide valuable insights into your leadership skills, passion, and commitment.

3. Others: If you have been involved in significant extracurricular activities or internships where you have worked closely with an adult supervisor, they could also be a suitable writer for a recommendation letter. However, prioritize those who can speak to your school/community involvement and how it reflects your personal strengths.

Remember, only submit letters of recommendation if they are specifically requested by the UC campus or program you're applying to. Additionally, be sure to give your chosen recommender ample time to write the letter and provide them with any necessary context, such as your resume or a summary of your accomplishments.

Good luck with your UC applications!

10 months ago

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