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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Barnard Admission Decision Timeline

Hi everyone! I just applied to Barnard College. Can anybody tell me when they typically release their admission decisions? Just trying to plan ahead and keep my nerves in check.

11 months ago

Hey! Congratulations on submitting your application to Barnard College! I understand how nerve-wracking the waiting period can be. Barnard typically releases their Regular Decision admission decisions in late March. However, the exact date may vary each year, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on your email and Barnard's social media channels for any updates.

If you applied Early Decision, the decision release timeline is different. Early Decision decisions are usually released in mid-December.

As the time for decisions approaches, make sure to check your email frequently and keep your login information for the Barnard applicant portal handy. The portal where you'll be able to view your admission decision once it's released. Good luck, and I hope you receive some great news from Barnard!

11 months ago

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