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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does UPenn conduct interviews as part of the admissions process?

I'm really interested in applying to the University of Pennsylvania and have been trying to find info on their admissions process. Can anyone confirm whether UPenn typically conducts interviews with applicants? And if yes, what can I expect from the interview?

10 months ago

Yes, the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) does conduct interviews as part of the admissions process. Interviews are not guaranteed for all applicants, but UPenn does try to interview as many students as possible, with alumni across the world helping in this task. If an interview is available for you, it will typically be conducted by an alumni volunteer in your area.

The main goal of the interview is to learn more about you beyond what is presented on your application. Interviewers will ask you questions about your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and future goals. They're also there to answer your questions about UPenn and provide you with more insight into the college experience there.

To prepare for the interview, review your application and think through some key points you'd like to share about your background, passions, and motivations. Be prepared to discuss why you're interested in UPenn and what you hope to accomplish during college. Also, researching UPenn's programs and resources will allow you to ask informed questions and show your genuine interest in the school.

Remember, the interview is a two-way conversation, and it's an opportunity for you to learn more about UPenn as well. Be genuine, and express your enthusiasm for the school while showcasing your strengths as an applicant. Stay relaxed and be yourself—you'll make a great impression!

Best of luck with your application to UPenn!

10 months ago

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