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Does Harvard appreciate additional letters of recommendation?

I know that Harvard has specific requirements for letters of recommendation, but I was wondering if sending additional letters (beyond the required ones) would be beneficial? Would it help strengthen my application, or would it just be considered unnecessary?

10 months ago

Harvard does allow for additional letters of recommendation, but it's essential to be strategic about submitting them. If the additional letter(s) can provide substantial new insight into your character, abilities, or accomplishments that the required recommendations may not cover, it could potentially strengthen your application. However, if the content is redundant or doesn't add significant value, it could be considered unnecessary and may even annoy the admissions officers who have to sort through countless recommendations.

When deciding whether to submit extra recommendation letters, consider the following:

1. Unique perspective: The additional recommender should be able to speak to a different aspect of your personality or experiences that hasn't been covered by your teachers and counselors. Perhaps they've mentored you in a significant extracurricular activity or worked with you on a unique project.

2. Quality over quantity: Only submit an additional letter if it is strong, detailed, and effectively communicates your qualities as a student and person. Avoid sending more letters just for the sake of making your application appear more substantial.

3. Don't overdo it: Limit the number of extra recommendation letters to one or two at most. Too many letters can burden the admissions officers and may dilute the impact of your primary recommendations.

In summary, it's not about the number of recommendation letters but their content and the unique perspectives they can offer on your abilities and experiences. Carefully consider if additional letters will genuinely enhance your application and provide valuable information to the admissions committee before submitting them.

10 months ago

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