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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to apply to UC schools?

Hi there! I'm looking to apply to a few UC schools but I'm not sure about the application process. Can someone help me understand the steps I need to take and the deadlines I should be aware of? Thanks a bunch!

3 months ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help you understand the application process for UC schools. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. UC Application: All UC schools use a unified application system, so you only need to complete one application for up to nine campuses. You can access the UC Application at https://apply.universityofcalifornia.edu/. You'll need to create an account and start filling out your information, achievements, and activities.

2. Personal Insight Questions: As part of the UC Application, you need to respond to four out of eight Personal Insight Questions (PIQs). Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words. Make sure to choose prompts that allow you to showcase different aspects of your experiences and personality.

3. Academic Records: Input information about your high school coursework, including any AP, IB, or other advanced level classes you've taken. You'll also need to provide your high school GPA.

4. Test Scores: UC schools are test-blind, which means they no longer consider SAT or ACT scores in the admission process. You won't need to submit standardized test scores when applying.

5. Letters of Recommendation: UC schools generally do not require nor accept letters of recommendation as part of the application process. However, some individual programs or majors within UC schools may request them. Be sure to check specific program requirements, as this may vary.

6. Application Fees: The application fee for UC schools is $70 per campus for domestic students and $80 per campus for international students. If you need assistance, you can apply for a fee waiver, which covers up to four campuses.

7. Deadlines: The application window for UC schools is from November 1 to November 30. You should submit your completed application within that timeframe. Admission decisions usually come out from mid-March to late April.

Make sure to stay organized, plan ahead, and review your application thoroughly before submitting it. Best of luck with your UC applications!

3 months ago

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