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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Letters of Recommendation—How Many?

Hi everyone, I'm curious about how many letters of recommendation I should get for my college applications. Is there a standard number colleges usually expect, or does it vary from college to college?

11 months ago

Hi there! The number of letters of recommendation required typically varies between colleges, but most schools generally ask for two recommendation letters. These are usually from two teachers in different academic subjects who can speak to your abilities, performance, and potential within their respective subject areas.

In addition to these two letters from teachers, some colleges also request a third recommendation from a school counselor. This counselor recommendation aims to provide a more comprehensive view of you as a student and person, including your academic trajectory, extracurricular involvement, and personal qualities. Make sure you check each college's requirements, as some might request fewer or more letters or have specific requirements regarding who should write them.

If you're considering submitting additional letters of recommendation beyond what's required, remember that quality is more important than quantity. Only submit an extra letter if it provides a unique perspective that cannot be found in your required recommendation letters and is truly impactful on your application. Admissions officers have many applications to review, so it's essential not to burden them with non-essential recommendations.

In summary, two teacher recommendations and, in some cases, one counselor recommendation are generally standard. Always check each college's specific requirements and focus on obtaining high-quality, meaningful recommendation letters rather than flooding your application with unnecessary extras. Good luck on your applications!

11 months ago

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