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Arizona State Construction Management - how's the program?

Hey everyone, I've been considering Arizona State's construction management program and wanted to hear your opinions on its reputation, curriculum, and overall experience. Any advice is appreciated!

10 months ago

Hey there! Arizona State University (ASU) has a strong Construction Management program through their Del E. Webb School of Construction, which is part of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. The reputation of the program is quite solid in the industry, attracting high-caliber students and faculty members.

The curriculum is designed to prepare students for successful careers in construction management, combining a solid foundation in construction engineering with business, management, and technology-related coursework. You'll cover topics such as construction materials and methods, building codes, cost estimation, scheduling, safety, contracts, and project management. Additionally, ASU emphasizes hands-on learning and real-world experiences, which means you'll likely have opportunities to engage in internships, cooperative education programs, and project-based learning with industry partners.

As for the overall experience, the program is known for its strong industry connections, ensuring that many graduates are well-prepared and have a headstart on networking in the field. You might find ASU's location in the growing Phoenix metropolitan area to be an added advantage, given the abundance of job opportunities and internships in the region.

Furthermore, ASU is committed to fostering a collaborative learning environment while promoting innovation and sustainability, which aligns well with modern construction practices. The supportive community at ASU's construction management program can lead to lasting relationships with your peers, which might benefit you both personally and professionally down the line.

To sum it up, ASU's construction management program has a strong reputation, a well-designed curriculum, and an emphasis on real-world experiences. If you choose to pursue this path, you'll have a solid foundation for a successful career in the construction industry. Good luck!

10 months ago

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