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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Early Action Announcement Dates

Hi everyone! I applied to some colleges using the Early Action option. I know it varies by school, but can anyone let me know some general announcement dates for Early Action decisions? I'm really getting nervous about it!

11 months ago

Hey there! I understand that waiting for Early Action (EA) decisions can be nerve-racking, but hang in there! Early Action decisions usually come out in mid-December to early January. However, announcement dates vary depending on the institution.

Often, colleges will provide a specific date or estimate for when they release decisions. You can check your college's admissions website or your application portal for any updates or expected decision release dates.

One helpful tip is to compile a list of the schools you have applied to and their respective announcement dates as this can help you feel more organized and stay on top of any updates. Just keep in mind that these dates might change or be delayed. Colleges typically send out decision notifications via email, so it's also essential to regularly check your email inbox (and spam folder).

I know waiting can be tough, but try your best to stay patient and engaged with other aspects of your life during this time. Best of luck with your college decisions!

11 months ago

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