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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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College decisions in December?

Hey everyone! What colleges usually release their decisions in December? I want to make sure I'm prepared for any decisions that I'll get during that time.

10 months ago

Many colleges release their Early Action (EA) and Early Decision (ED) decisions in December. To help you stay prepared, here are some popular schools that usually send out decisions around this time:

1. Harvard University (REA)

2. Yale University (REA)

3. Princeton University (REA)

4. Stanford University (REA)

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (EA)

6. University of Pennsylvania (ED)

7. Brown University (ED)

8. Dartmouth College (ED)

9. Duke University (ED)

10. University of Chicago (EA/ED1)

11. Columbia University (ED)

12. Northwestern University (ED)

13. University of Notre Dame (REA)

14. Vanderbilt University (ED1)

15. Rice University (ED)

Please note that the exact decision release dates can vary each year and may not be the same for all applicants, as some schools have rolling notifications. Furthermore, this list is not exhaustive, and many other schools also release decisions in December.

Check each school's website or admissions portal for specific information about decision release dates and be prepared to receive notifications both in your email and on the admissions portal. It's a good idea to keep track of all the schools you've applied to early and their anticipated decision dates in order to stay organized. Good luck with your college applications, and I hope you receive some positive decisions in December!

10 months ago

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