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Top art colleges in Florida?

Hi guys! I've been pretty involved in the art scene throughout high school and I'm considering pursuing a degree in fine arts. I'd prefer to stay in Florida for college, so can y'all recommend some of the best art colleges in the state? Thank you!

11 months ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're looking to pursue a degree in fine arts, and staying in Florida definitely has its perks. Here are some of the top art colleges in the state that you can consider:

1. Ringling College of Art and Design: Located in Sarasota, Ringling is a well-known art college with a strong reputation for their programs in animation, illustration, and graphic design, among others. Their fine arts program is quite solid as well, and they offer a variety of resources for their students, such as state-of-the-art facilities and strong connections with the art community.

2. University of Florida: The School of Art + Art History at UF in Gainesville is another solid option for a fine arts degree. The school offers BFA and BA programs with several concentrations such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and more. UF is a research institution that allows for interdisciplinary pursuits and collaborations with other departments.

3. Florida State University: FSU's College of Fine Arts in Tallahassee offers a good fine arts program with opportunities for growth and development in various areas of study like drawing, painting, new media, and ceramics. As a larger university, you'll also have access to a broad range of resources and opportunities outside the arts.

4. New World School of the Arts: A joint venture between Miami Dade College and the University of Florida, NWSA is a conservatory-style institution focused on the visual and performing arts. Their BFA programs in visual arts cover a variety of disciplines, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and others.

5. University of South Florida: USF’s School of Art & Art History, located in Tampa, offers both BA and BFA degrees in Studio Art. The program emphasizes interdisciplinary and experimental approaches, making it an excellent option for students interested in exploring various forms of artistic expression.

Of course, it's crucial to visit the campuses and get a feel for each program before making a decision. Pay attention to factors like faculty, facilities, resources, and available opportunities for internships or connections to the art world. Best of luck in your college search!

11 months ago

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