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Best colleges for Social Work majors?

I'm really interested in pursuing a career as a social worker and I'm starting to look at colleges to apply to. What are some good colleges known for their Social Work programs? Would love to hear your recommendations and experiences!

10 months ago

Finding a college with a strong Social Work program can make a significant difference in your educational experience. Here are some reputable colleges known for their Social Work majors:

1. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor: UMich's School of Social Work is consistently ranked as one of the top social work programs nationwide. They offer both bachelor's and master's degrees in social work, as well as a joint PhD program.

2. Columbia University: Columbia's School of Social Work offers a strong Master of Social Work (MSW) program which can be completed in one or two years. While they do not offer an undergraduate program in social work, students can explore related majors before transitioning to their MSW program.

3. Washington University in St. Louis: WashU's Brown School of Social Work is highly regarded and offers a variety of programs, such as a comprehensive MSW, a PhD in social work, as well as several dual-degree options.

4. New York University: NYU's Silver School of Social Work offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Social Work, along with various graduate-level programs, including their MSW.

5. University of California - Berkeley: UC Berkeley's School of Social Welfare provides a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Social Welfare, as well as graduate and doctoral programs. The school emphasizes social justice and community-engaged learning.

6. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn offers both undergraduate and graduate programs through their renowned School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2). They focus on social justice and interdisciplinary collaboration.

7. Case Western Reserve University: CWRU's Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences is well-regarded for its comprehensive education experiences. They offer a BA in social work program and an MSW, along with several dual-degree options and a PhD program.

Of course, these are just a few examples. When searching for the right social work program for you, consider factors such as size, location, financial aid, and research opportunities. Visiting campuses, talking to current students, and exploring programs' curriculums can also help you make an informed decision. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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