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What's it like to study philosophy at CSULB?

Hi! I'm currently a high school junior and I'm considering majoring in philosophy. CSULB is one of my top choices. Can anyone share their experiences with the philosophy program at Cal State Long Beach? What are the courses and professors like? Any advice would be appreciated!

10 months ago

I've heard from students that the philosophy program at CSULB provides a well-rounded education in the field. The department is dedicated to teaching a wide range of topics, including ancient and contemporary philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, and more. Most students appreciate the variety of electives available, which allows them to explore different areas of interest and develop their own course of study.

Additionally, the faculty at CSULB is diverse, with expertise in various philosophical sub-fields. Students typically find that professors are knowledgeable, approachable, and genuinely interested in teaching and engaging with their students. Interactions with professors mostly occur in small class settings, which can make for a more intimate and engaging learning experience.

In terms of advice, students often recommend getting involved in extracurricular philosophy-related activities on campus, such as joining the Philosophy Club or attending guest lectures hosted by the department. These opportunities can help you deepen your understanding of philosophical topics, meet like-minded students, and expand your professional network.

To make the most of your experience at CSULB, it's essential to put in effort both inside and outside the classroom. Stay proactive in your coursework, participate in class discussions, make connections with your professors, and immerse yourself in the many philosophical events and organizations available on campus. This way, you'll gain valuable experiences and build a strong foundation for your future academic or professional pursuits in philosophy.

10 months ago

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