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SCAD Illustration Program

I've been considering diving into the world of illustration and SCAD caught my eye. Would anyone be able to give me some information on their illustration program? Like, how's the curriculum, faculty, and job prospects after graduation?

10 months ago

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is well known for its art programs, and the Illustration program is no exception. The program offers a BFA and MFA, as well as minors and certificates.

Curriculum: The curriculum focuses on both traditional and digital illustration techniques. You'll begin with foundational courses in drawing, painting, and digital media to develop a strong basis in visual communication. As you progress, you can delve into more specialized illustration courses, such as editorial, advertising, and pattern design. SCAD also emphasizes the importance of professional practices, so you'll learn how to market yourself and build a portfolio that showcases your talents.

Faculty: SCAD's faculty comprises experienced professionals from the industry, many of whom have earned recognition and awards in their respective fields. These professors can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout your studies. Additionally, SCAD often invites guest speakers and industry professionals to give lectures and workshops, so you'll have the opportunity to network and learn from experts in the field.

Job Prospects: Upon graduation, SCAD illustration alumni have found employment in various roles and industries, such as concept artists, character designers, editorial illustrators, and more. Companies that have hired SCAD alums include Disney, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, and Marvel. SCAD offers strong support for job placement through their career services, which helps with networking, job hunting, and portfolio preparation.

In conclusion, SCAD's Illustration program offers a comprehensive and industry-focused education, with experienced faculty and ample resources to support your career goals. Additionally, the well-regarded reputation of the college boosts your job prospects after graduation, making it a solid choice for aspiring illustrators.

10 months ago

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