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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Oregon Campus Options

Hi! Does the University of Oregon have multiple campuses, or is it just one main campus? I'd like to know so I can plan any potential visits accordingly.

10 months ago

Hello! The University of Oregon primarily consists of one main campus located in Eugene, Oregon. This picturesque campus encompasses over 295 acres and is home to various academic departments, residence halls, student services, sports facilities, and other amenities.

When planning your visit, you can focus on the main campus in Eugene, as it is the primary location for academic, residential, and extracurricular facilities. During your visit, you'll likely want to explore key spots such as the Erb Memorial Union, Knight Library, and Autzen Stadium, as well as the various academic buildings and residence halls.

To make the most out of your visit, I recommend checking the University of Oregon's official website for information on campus tours and visitation events. These guided tours will provide a comprehensive overview of the campus and allow you to ask questions about academics, student life, and more. Enjoy your visit!

10 months ago

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