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SAT: 720 math
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Opinions on Saint Leo's University?

I've been looking into Saint Leo's University and would love to hear from current students or alumni about their experiences. What do you like/dislike about the school, and would you recommend it to someone applying to college? I'm all ears!

10 months ago

I'm not a current student or alumni, but I can give you a brief overview of Saint Leo University and some aspects that people generally like/dislike about the school.

Saint Leo University is a private, Roman Catholic liberal arts university in Saint Leo, Florida. It has a relatively small undergraduate enrollment, providing a tight-knit, supportive community. Among the many degrees offered, popular majors include business, management, and criminal justice. The university is known for its relatively low tuition compared to other private institutions, making it an affordable choice for many students.


1. Small class sizes: With a student-faculty ratio of 14:1, you'll benefit from close interaction with professors and personalized attention.

2. Online and continuing education programs: Saint Leo University has a wide range of online education options and prides itself on being flexible for nontraditional and working students.

3. Campus environment: The campus is noted for its natural beauty, with many green spaces and outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as a strong sense of community.

4. Support services: Saint Leo provides various academic and personal support services, including tutoring, counseling, and career services.


1. Limited extracurriculars: Being a smaller school, there may be fewer extracurricular activities and clubs compared to larger universities. However, many students have found ways to create their own clubs or be involved in the local community.

2. Location: The campus is situated in a small town, which may be limiting for some students in terms of entertainment, dining options, and employment opportunities. However, Tampa is only about 45 minutes away, offering a range of big-city amenities.

Overall, Saint Leo University might be a good fit if you're seeking a smaller, private college with a supportive community and a focus on liberal arts education. I'd recommend reaching out to current students and alumni through social media, alumni connections, or official university channels to get firsthand insights into their experiences.

10 months ago

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