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UCF Philosophy Major: Any insights?

Hey everyone! I'm considering UCF for my college journey and I'm thinking about majoring in philosophy. Are there any current students or alumni who can provide some insights on the department, classes, and overall experience of studying philosophy at UCF? TIA!

10 months ago

Hey there! UCF's Philosophy program is part of the College of Arts and Humanities, and the courses they offer cover a wide range of topics, such as ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and the history of philosophy. You should receive a well-rounded philosophy education that will expose you to various philosophical traditions and ideas.

One advantage of studying philosophy at a large university like UCF is that you'll have access to a significant number of resources and research opportunities. The department typically offers events such as guest lectures, symposiums, and other opportunities for intellectual enrichment. Additionally, the faculty members themselves come from diverse backgrounds, which means you'll be able to learn from professors with different philosophical perspectives. This wide-ranging exposure will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of the subject.

In terms of class sizes, philosophy courses might vary. Introductory classes could be larger, while more specialized, upper-level courses will likely have smaller class sizes. In those higher level courses, you'll likely experience a more intimate learning environment, which allows for more in-depth discussions with your peers and professors.

For a better understanding of student life as a philosophy major at UCF, consider reaching out to current philosophy students directly through social media or joining philosophy-related clubs or organizations once you're on campus. Talking to current students and participating in extracurricular activities related to your major can often provide you with an authentic perspective on the overall experience.

Finally, don't forget to explore internship and career prospects offered by the program. Studying philosophy can open doors to a variety of fields, such as academia, law, public policy, and even tech companies looking for creative analytical thinkers. You may want to engage with career services at UCF and inquire about available opportunities for philosophy majors.

Good luck with your college journey, and I hope this information helps you make an informed decision!

10 months ago

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