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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Where is Duquesne University located?

Hey folks, doing research on potential colleges and Duquesne University caught my eye. Could anyone tell me where it's located? Also, if anyone has experience with this university, a summary of the campus vibe would be awesome. Thanks!

10 months ago

Duquesne University is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Situated on a 50-acre campus on a bluff above downtown Pittsburgh, it offers a mix of urban and green spaces, providing students easy access to the city's cultural, educational, and professional opportunities.

As for the campus vibe, Duquesne has a strong sense of community and is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. With around 9,500 students, it is large enough to offer diverse academic and extracurricular options but still small enough for students to form close relationships with faculty and peers. The University has a solid reputation for its strong academics, with popular programs in fields like business, health sciences, and liberal arts.

Duquesne has a Catholic heritage and is grounded in the Spiritan tradition, which emphasizes service and social justice. This is reflected in the University's commitment to community engagement, as students often participate in volunteer work and service-learning projects.

The campus supports over 280 student organizations, as well as NCAA Division I athletics, providing plenty of opportunities for students to get involved and make connections. In summary, Duquesne University offers a well-rounded college experience with strong academics and a rich sense of community in an urban setting.

10 months ago

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