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Herbalism-focused colleges?

Hey everyone, I'm super into herbalism and looking for colleges that offer programs or majors related to it. Which schools should I be looking into? Thanks for the help.

10 months ago

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're passionate about herbalism. Here are a few colleges that offer programs or majors related to herbalism, ethnobotany, or plant sciences:

1. Bastyr University - Located in Kenmore, Washington, Bastyr offers a Bachelor of Science in Herbal Sciences. This is a comprehensive program focusing on the study of medicinal plants, their cultivation, and the preparation of herbal remedies.

2. University of Massachusetts Amherst - UMass Amherst offers a Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Food and Farming with a concentration in Herbal Agriculture. This unique concentration enables you to study agriculture with a focus on herbal plants and their applications.

3. University of Hawaii at Manoa - UH Manoa offers a Bachelor of Science in Botany with an emphasis on Ethnobotany. You will get to study plants, their traditional uses, and the role they have played in various cultures across the globe. Ethnobotany could be an excellent option for you to explore the relationships between plants and people, including herbalism.

4. Oregon State University - OSU has a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture with a focus on medicinal plants. You'll learn about plant cultivation, production, and the use of plants for health and wellness.

These are just a few schools that offer programs related to herbalism and plant sciences. When searching for colleges, make sure to explore their course offerings and speak to faculty to ensure the program aligns with your interests. And remember that some schools may not have a specific program in herbalism, as the field is somewhat niche, but may still offer relevant courses or opportunities for independent study in plant sciences and related fields through broader programs like biology. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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