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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Catholic University Reputation

Hello, I've come across The Catholic University of America in my college search. Is it a good school in general? Any idea about their ranking and reputation?

10 months ago

Catholic University of America (CUA) is a reputable school with a strong commitment to its Catholic identity and offering a range of undergraduate and graduate programs. In terms of rankings, the exact placement may vary depending on the source you are looking at, but it is generally considered among the top 200 universities in the United States. It's important to remember that rankings can be subjective, and the choice of school should be based more on its culture, programs, and fit with the student's needs.

CUA is particularly well-regarded for its programs in social work, nursing, engineering, architecture and planning, and some areas of the arts, like music and drama. Additionally, CUA's location in Washington, D.C. provides students with access to various opportunities such as internships, cultural events, and networking. The presence of national institutions, several embassies, and a thriving job market can help students find career opportunities post-graduation.

The campus community is known for its close-knit and supportive atmosphere, with a strong focus on ethical and faith-based learning. If you're considering CUA, it would be beneficial to visit the campus, talk to current students and faculty, and explore the programs they offer that align with your interests. Remember, it's essential to find a college that fits well with your values, goals, and aspirations, rather than just focusing on rankings and reputation.

10 months ago

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