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What are some famous dance schools in New York?

Hey everyone! I'm really passionate about dancing and I'm considering studying it in college. What are some of the top dance schools in New York? I'd appreciate any recommendations or experiences you could share!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're passionate about dancing and want to pursue it at the college level. New York is definitely the right place for it, given the city's rich history in dance and performing arts. Here are some well-known dance schools that you should consider:

1. The Juilliard School: Juilliard is one of the most prestigious schools for performing arts in the world. They offer a top-notch dance program with a strong focus on both classical and contemporary dance techniques. Juilliard's location in the heart of Lincoln Center also offers students amazing performance opportunities.

2. New York University's Tisch School of the Arts: Tisch is another leading performing arts school, with a dance program that emphasizes both technical training and artistry. Students at Tisch get to work with renowned choreographers and have access to NYU's vast artistic community.

3. Purchase College, SUNY: The Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College is known for its rigorous BFA program in dance. The conservatory provides training in ballet and modern dance, along with composition and improvisation. Purchase College is part of the State University of New York system, providing a different environment outside of the city.

4. Marymount Manhattan College: Located on the Upper East Side, Marymount has a strong dance program that fosters creative thinking and offers degrees in both dance and dance education. Students can tailor their education through various concentrations like ballet, choreography, or jazz.

5. The Ailey School/Fordham University: This unique partnership between Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and Fordham University offers a joint BFA in Dance. The program blends Fordham's liberal arts education with The Ailey School's professional dance training, creating a well-rounded education for aspiring dancers.

As you're researching these schools, be sure to visit their websites, attend open houses or information sessions, and reach out to current students or alumni to gather more insights and experiences. Best of luck in your dance journey!

10 months ago

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