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Which undergrad schools are top-tier for studying statistics?

Hey everyone! I'm kind of set on majoring in statistics and was just wondering which colleges are top-tier for that? I'm aiming to create a list of the best undergraduate schools with solid statistics programs. Your recommendations would be really helpful!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're interested in studying statistics. I'm happy to help you generate a list of some top-tier undergraduate schools with strong statistics programs. Here's a list of universities that are well-known for their statistics programs:

1. Stanford University

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

3. Harvard University

4. University of California, Berkeley

5. University of Chicago

6. Carnegie Mellon University

7. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

8. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

9. Columbia University

10. University of Wisconsin, Madison

11. Duke University

12. Yale University

13. University of Pennsylvania

14. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

15. Cornell University

These schools have highly regarded statistics departments, offering diverse courses and research opportunities for undergraduates. Additionally, many of these universities have strong connections to industry, which could be beneficial when looking for internships or job prospects after graduation.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive; there are certainly other colleges and universities with strong statistics programs. It would be wise to look into factors like location, size, cost, and campus culture to ensure the best fit for your interests and goals.

Best of luck with your college search, and I hope you find the perfect match for your statistics major!

10 months ago

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