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Search for Patisserie Schools

Hello! So, I have a passion for baking and want to become a professional patissier one day. Can anyone suggest college programs or trade schools in the US that focus on patisserie skills and baking?

10 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you want to pursue your passion for baking and become a professional patissier. There are quite a few college programs and trade schools in the US that focus on patisserie skills and baking. Here are some well-known options to consider:

1. Culinary Institute of America (CIA): CIA has campuses in Hyde Park, NY, St. Helena, CA, and San Antonio, TX. They offer an Associate in Occupational Studies (AOS) in Baking and Pastry Arts, which includes specialized courses in patisserie skills.

2. Johnson & Wales University (JWU): JWU has a strong reputation for its culinary arts programs, including its Associate in Science (AS) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in Baking & Pastry Arts. They have campuses in Providence, RI, and Charlotte, NC.

3. Kendall College (part of National Louis University): Located in Chicago, IL, Kendall College offers an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Baking and Pastry, as well as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Culinary Arts with a Baking and Pastry concentration.

4. Le Cordon Bleu: Although the US campuses have closed, you can explore their international campuses (such as those in Paris, London, or Ottawa) if you're open to studying abroad. They offer comprehensive patisserie diploma and certificate programs.

These are just a few options to start your search, and there are many other schools and programs available across the country (and around the world, if you're open to broadening your horizons). Before choosing a school, make sure to research each institution thoroughly, visit the campuses if possible, and speak with current students or alumni to better understand their experiences. Good luck on your journey to becoming a professional patissier!

10 months ago

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