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Colleges that start with the letter C?

Odd question, I know, but I'm trying to find a college that my cousin mentioned and they only remember that it started with a 'C'. Can anyone throw some names out there? Thanks!

10 months ago

Sure, here's a list of some colleges and universities that start with the letter 'C':

1. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

2. California State University (there are multiple campuses, such as Long Beach, Los Angeles, Fullerton, etc.)

3. Carnegie Mellon University

4. Carleton College

5. Case Western Reserve University

6. Claremont McKenna College (part of the Claremont Colleges)

7. Colby College

8. Colgate University

9. College of Charleston

10. College of the Holy Cross

11. Colorado College

12. Columbia University

13. Connecticut College

14. Cornell University

15. Creighton University

16. CUNY (City University of New York) - multiple campuses

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it covers some well-known schools that start with 'C'. I hope this helps narrow down the possibilities for you and helps you find the college your cousin mentioned!

10 months ago

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