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AAU San Francisco Ranking

Hi all, I've been looking at different art schools and came across Academy of Art University in San Francisco. How is their overall reputation and ranking in the art community? Do graduates generally have successful careers in the industry?

10 months ago

AAU San Francisco, or Academy of Art University, is a for-profit art and design school located in San Francisco. While it does have a decent reputation regionally, it is not considered one of the top art schools nationally or internationally. Prestigious art schools like Rhode Island School of Design, California Institute of the Arts, or School of the Art Institute of Chicago generally have a higher profile within the art community.

However, it's essential to recognize that the success of an art student depends largely on their passion, dedication, and effort, not solely on their school's reputation. AAU offers various programs, in areas including fine art, illustration, graphic design, animation, and fashion. In terms of resources and facilities, the university provides its students with the tools to gain industry-specific skills and build a portfolio to showcase their work to potential employers.

While attending a more prestigious art school might open more doors initially, many AAU graduates have gone on to establish successful careers in the creative industries. It is essential to network during and after your time at the university, participate in internships and co-ops, and stay up to date with the latest trends in your respective field to maximize your chances of success.

In conclusion, while AAU in San Francisco may not have the same high profile as some of the top art colleges, that shouldn't discourage you from considering it as an option if you believe it would be a good fit for you. When selecting an art school, consider factors such as the specific programs offered, campus environment, location, and financial aid opportunities. The success of your career will ultimately depend on your work ethic and ability to stand out in a competitive industry, more so than just the name of your undergraduate institution.

Best of luck with your artistic pursuits!

10 months ago

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