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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Deferral meaning in university context

Hi guys, I came across the term 'deferral' in the context of university admissions. What's the difference between a deferral and a rejection? Are deferrals only for Early Decision/Early Action applicants, or can Regular Decision applicants have their decisions deferred too?

10 months ago

Hi there! A deferral in the university admissions context means that your application has not been accepted or rejected during the Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) review process. Instead, the admissions committee has decided to reevaluate your application during the Regular Decision (RD) cycle. This gives them more time to consider your application and compare it with the larger applicant pool in the RD round.

A deferral is different from a rejection because it doesn't mean your application has been denied. You still have a chance to be admitted, but now you'll be competing against the entire RD applicant pool.

Deferrals are primarily for ED and EA applicants. Regular Decision applicants do not encounter deferrals in the same way, as there are no subsequent rounds after the RD round. However, if a college still can't make a decision on a RD applicant, they may place the applicant on a waitlist. Being waitlisted means that the student isn't currently being offered admission but could potentially be offered a spot if spaces become available after admitted students make their decisions.

To improve your chances of admission after being deferred, you can work on maintaining strong grades, submitting any updates on achievements or awards, and expressing your continued interest in the school. It's important to remember, though, that getting deferred is not necessarily an indication of your qualifications - it could simply reflect the competitiveness of the applicant pool during that cycle. Good luck!

10 months ago

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