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Samuel Merritt financial aid?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if any students at Samuel Merritt have experience with their financial aid packages? Are the scholarships/grants they offer usually generous, and is there anything specific I should know about their financial aid process?

10 months ago

Hi there! Samuel Merritt University is known to offer financial aid packages to a significant number of its students, with different types of aid being available based on need and merit. However, the extent of the aid package can vary greatly depending on various factors like your family's financial situation, academic performance, and leadership experiences.

One thing to note about Samuel Merritt is that they have a limited number of endowed and restricted scholarships which can be quite competitive. Some scholarships require a separate application, while others are awarded based on your application for admission. It's important to stay on top of deadlines and submit your FAFSA as soon as possible (starting October 1st). The FAFSA results will help determine your need-based aid eligibility.

To get an estimate of what your financial aid package may look like at Samuel Merritt, you can use their Net Price Calculator available on their website. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and the actual aid package may differ once you submit your application.

Additionally, Samuel Merritt participates in federal and state financial aid programs which may include grants, work-study, and loans. It's essential to explore these options and understand the difference between gift aid (like grants and scholarships) and loans, which will need to be repaid with interest.

Finally, it's always a good idea to explore external scholarships and grants, which can provide additional funding for your education. There are numerous resources available online, so be sure to look for opportunities related to your area of study, extracurricular experience, or other factors unique to your background.

Remember that each student's financial aid experience can be different, so don't be discouraged if some aid packages seem more or less generous than you were expecting. Persistence, research, and communication with Samuel Merritt's financial aid office can help ensure that you get the best possible financial aid package for your situation.

10 months ago

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