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Looking into D3 women's basketball—top colleges?

Hey everyone! I'm starting my college search and I'm really passionate about basketball. I noticed that D3 colleges have a more balanced approach to academics and athletics. Could anyone please recommend some of the top D3 women's basketball colleges?

10 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're passionate about basketball and looking for a good balance between academics and athletics. Division III (D3) colleges indeed offer a more balanced approach, as they emphasize the student-athlete experience. Here are some top D3 women's basketball colleges you might want to consider:

1. Amherst College (MA) - consistently successful with a strong program in a competitive conference (NESCAC) and excellent academic reputation.

2. Bowdoin College (ME) - known for their robust athletic culture in addition to strong academics, another NESCAC member with a competitive team.

3. Thomas More University (KY) - dominant women's basketball program with several national championships and conference titles.

4. Tufts University (MA) - strong NESCAC team with a solid academic reputation and consistent success on the court.

5. Washington University in St. Louis (MO) - frequent NCAA tournament appearances and strong academics, a member of the University Athletic Association (UAA).

These schools are just a starting point for your college search. When looking into D3 programs, it's important to consider the school's academic reputation, location, and overall culture in addition to its success in women's basketball. Also, reach out to coaches at the colleges you're interested in, as they can provide insights into their programs and expectations for student-athletes.

Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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