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SDSU Biology program impressions?

Hey, I'm considering SDSU for their biology program and would like to hear from students or recent grads about their experiences. How engaging and rigorous are the classes? What's the research and internship opportunities like? Would you recommend it? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! Although I'm not personally a student or recent grad from SDSU, I can share some information that has been frequently mentioned by students involved in their biology program.

Many students find the biology program at SDSU to be engaging and rigorous, thanks to a variety of classes offered and dedicated faculty members. They mention the small class sizes for upper-division courses, which allows for more personalized attention from professors. Moreover, the faculty is known for being passionate about their subjects, which can make the learning experience more enjoyable.

Research opportunities are available at SDSU, and many biology students get involved in different laboratories on campus. You can connect with professors conducting research in your areas of interest and seek out a research position. While the competition can be a bit high for these positions, many students eventually find opportunities that align with their interests and can be a valuable experience in terms of building their resumes and skills.

Internship opportunities are also available for biology students. SDSU has strong connections with local biotech companies and research institutions, which can open up possibilities for internships and job placements. Additionally, the school's location in San Diego is advantageous, as it's a well-known biotech hub with numerous companies and research facilities in the area.

Overall, many students and recent grads have positive experiences with the biology program at SDSU. They appreciate the engaging classes, committed faculty, and research and internship opportunities. While individual experiences will always vary, SDSU's biology program could be a strong option to consider based on what has been shared by those who have experienced it firsthand.

10 months ago

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