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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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TCU - Location and campus vibes?

Hi folks! I've recently become interested in Texas Christian University (TCU), but I don't know much about where it's located. Can someone tell me about the city and campus environment? I'd appreciate any insights!

10 months ago

Hello! Texas Christian University (TCU) is located in Fort Worth, Texas, which is a sizeable city that's part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The city has a thriving art scene, rich history, and offers loads of entertainment options, including museums, theaters, and parks. The Fort Worth Stockyards area gives you a taste of the city's Western heritage as well.

As for TCU's campus, it's known for its stunning Collegiate Georgian architecture and beautiful green spaces. The campus is well-maintained, safe, and often described as visually appealing. Its size is manageable, and getting from one side of the campus to the other takes around 10-15 minutes on foot. Students typically find the campus to be welcoming and easy to navigate.

Regarding campus life, TCU has a reputation for its strong sense of community and school spirit. There are over 250 student organizations, which means there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and make lasting connections. Greek Life is relatively popular at TCU, with around 40% of students participating in fraternities or sororities. That being said, students who prefer not to join Greek Life still find plenty of other ways to participate in social activities and create strong friendships.

TCU is known for its sports programs, particularly football, and many students attend games to show their Horned Frog spirit. The university also provides a variety of recreational and fitness facilities to encourage a healthy lifestyle amongst its students.

Overall, the campus environment at TCU is generally described as friendly and energetic, with a vibrant community and a myriad of ways to get involved. While campus life might lean towards the traditional side, there's still a diverse range of activities to cater to different interests.

10 months ago

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