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Does University of Hawaii have a lacrosse team?

Hi guys! I'm a high school junior interested in playing lacrosse in college. I was wondering if anyone knows whether the University of Hawaii has a lacrosse team? If so, what division do they play in, and how competitive is it to join?

10 months ago

Yes, the University of Hawaii has a club lacrosse team, but it is not part of the NCAA. The team competes in the Men's Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA), which is a competitive club lacrosse league for college students. The University of Hawaii team is part of the MCLA Division II and plays in the Pacific Northwest Collegiate Lacrosse League (PNCLL).

The level of competitiveness for joining the club varies from year to year, depending on the number of interested players and returning members, but it's generally less competitive than NCAA lacrosse programs. To get a better idea of your chances of joining the team, I recommend reaching out to the team's coach or president directly. They can provide more information about the team's current status, expectations, and any potential tryouts or recruitment processes.

Keep in mind that as a club sport, the team's resources may differ from those of varsity teams at schools with NCAA lacrosse programs. However, club teams can still offer a great opportunity to continue playing lacrosse in college while being part of a tight-knit community. Good luck!

10 months ago

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