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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Where is CWRU Located?

Hey, I'm doing some research on Case Western Reserve University and I want to know more about its location. Can someone tell me more about the surrounding area and what there is to do? Is it in a big city or a more suburban environment? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

Case Western Reserve University, often abbreviated to CWRU, is located in Cleveland, Ohio. It resides in the University Circle neighborhood, which is a cultural and educational hub of the city. The surrounding area is home to several other institutions and attractions, such as the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Cleveland Botanical Garden, and the Cleveland Institute of Music.

Cleveland is a moderately-sized city with an urban environment, offering you a mix of city life and green spaces. University Circle is considered one of the most lively areas of Cleveland, where you'll be able to enjoy live music at various venues, explore museums, dine at diverse restaurants, and engage in various cultural events organized throughout the year.

Cleveland has a number of neighborhoods to explore, like Ohio City, Tremont, and the Flats. You'll find plenty of entertainment options such as sports events (think Cleveland Cavaliers basketball and Cleveland Browns football), theaters, and shopping centers like the West Side Market and the East 4th Street district. The city also boasts a beautiful lakefront – Lake Erie – where you can enjoy parks, marinas, and beaches.

Overall, CWRU is situated in an area that offers students access to the cultural and social attractions associated with urban living while still maintaining a strong sense of community within the university's campus and the University Circle neighborhood.

10 months ago

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